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Witch Your Sales

This 6 week course shows you step-by-step what's required to create a sales process in your work that is as sacred as the services you provide.


This is a good fit for you if:

- you love what you do and the service/product you provide is deeply meaningful to you and the clients you support

- you struggle to bring the same love you have for your service/product to the sales aspect of your work. 

-sales can actually feel like the opposite feeling to the work you're doing.

- you are open to learning how to create a sales process that centers the sacred relationship between you and your clients and customers.


I'm Darcy Skye, an empath entrepreneur with 10 years of experience owning my own business and 8 years of it being my sole income.  To get to the point where my business provided stable income for me and my family I needed to make peace with the sales process and I started from scratch, never having sold anything to anyone and frankly, hating everything connected with selling.  I had a long way to go.  


I invested in heart-based sales training courses and flew around the country learning techniques and strategies.  These were supportive - but still, something was missing.  

Something  still remained unsaid and unexposed in all the sales work I did.   


Through years of study and drawing in the support of many wise women around me, I have come to see that  money has intense spells surrounding it that spin us out of our essence and into beliefs that don't serve us.  These spells must be exposed and unwoven in order to come into better relationship with money.


Once we are in better relationship with money we can examine and rewrite our personal money story.


From there we are in a more clear state to create a sales process that reflects the sacredness inherent in the rest of our work.  


I can teach you how to go through each of these steps.  I've designed Witch Your Sales to do exactly that.








Here's what's inside:

4, 90-minute teaching sessions

These four sessions will dive deeply into the nuts and bolts of:

1) how you expose the spells around money that contribute to you feeling disconnected and disingenuous in the selling aspect of your work.  You'll learn how to unweave from these spells and how to weave NEW spells that YOU choose that support a positive relationship with money.


2) how to create a relationship with money that reflects all the goodness you bring to other relationships.  We'll dive into your personal money story and how to create a refreshed and renewed relationship with money.


3) What it means to set a sacred space with sales and money conversations.  I'll teach you all the dynamics at work in a sales conversation so you can use your skills to work through these dynamics in a supportive way.  You'll discover your personal ingredients needed so sales conversations feel authentic and aligned.


4) Putting all the pieces together into your personal sales process so you are fully showing up in integrity, feeling easeful AND having effective money conversations.   


2, 60-minute Private Coaching Sessions

Our relationship with money is multi-layered and very personal.  In this course you will have space to process and work through your money relationship in a sacred, private space that you and I create together.  The beginning and completion of the program include a private session so we can work through very specific aspects of your money story and what your sales process needs in order to be a fully sacred space.  


I'm an experienced, talented coach and healer, so can laser in very quickly to where you're struggling and specifically what you need in order to shift your relationship with money and sales.  You'll receive personalized action steps designed to support you at a very high level in creating the feeling you desire in your sales process.


A Community of Fellow Creatrixes 

We all have our individual processes in doing this work, AND it helps immeasurably to feel connection and community as you do this personal work.  I facilitate excellent containers of support and I'll be doing that in a private Facebook group, where you can share wins, challenges, inspirations and questions.  You'll feel support and consistent holding as you navigate this course.


When the Course Meets



Price and How to Sign Up

The course price is offered within a range.  I invite you to feel into what your right price is for joining this course.  You can ask yourself - what is my dollar amount, that means I'll feel the incentive to show up and do this work with full focus and commitment, and feel a bit of excitement to commit to this within my current financial situation?    


I am offering the course for a rate between $500-$1500.  You can pay in one payment or split your rate into 2 or 3 equal, monthly payments.  If your rate is within this range - wonderful! 


In having this range for your rate I am intentionally attempting to unspell two capitalist assumptions (lies):

1) that we will always choose to get the most for the cheapest  

2) that we only value things we pay a 'premium' rate for. 


Both of these assume that we are not in a place of internal connection on what the right price is for ourselves. Instead, these assumptions require that something outside of ourself determines our right price. In assumption 1 it is that if we feel we got a 'good deal' it is the right price and in assumption 2 it is that a high dollar amount is a direct connection with high value, when value is actually an internally felt experience.


I know this system is more steps than clicking a Purchase button, and I don't desire to make your experience cumbersome.  I thank you for your willingness to experiment with me on this price range system. 












I do this work as a cis-gendered white woman, ancestor of settlers to the state of Michigan, in the ancestral home of the Anishinaabe. I am examining my identities, privileges, places of colonial mindset and with lots to continually learn. My work attempts to create brave spaces where folks of all identities feel they have the space to show up fully and be well supported.  The learning containers I facilitate welcome all gender, race, class and able identities and I promise to you I will do my best to show up well for you.

"Darcy is just pure energy, support, and enthusiasm.  She has a way of seeing through patterns, connecting the dots, and supporting genuinely and authentically through challenges. She has a way of allowing me to reveal my own strengths, my own magnificence, and my own capabilities to move forward with the things that are important in my life."


~Miriam Leia Bekkouche, Founder and CEO of Brain Spa,   

"I think of my life very clearly in "pre-Darcy" and "post-Darcy" terms as I literally walk around the planet differently now. "Post-Darcy"--I am empowered and my baseline level of happiness has taken a dramatic shift upwards. I experience heights of joy that I had previously only ascribed to moments in my childhood.


I have healed close relationships in my family, my creativity has stepped forward like never before and I achieved a vibrational level to attract the love of my life."


Mary, Artist, NYC

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